Is Probate the answer?

A person claiming to be a illegitimate granddaughter took control of my Granddad’s property through a fraudulent deed. For years I have tried to fight it. As the rightful heir I could never get any information on my Granddad and the person that committed the fraud. She closed out my Granddad’s bank accounts and to this day I can’t even find out how she did that. I have tried several times over the years and the bank just ignores my requests. Eventually it was determined she was indeed a fraud and when I look at the assessor’s office my Granddad doesn’t appear as the original owner of the properties and the transfers start at whoever the person that committed fraud sold the property to. I have tried to hire lawyers but they won’t take the case or state it is near to impossible to win this but quote an extremely high retainer to try. I believe it is because they hit the same walls I have been hitting over all of these years, however, it is clear that lawyers and government officials knew there was fraud involved. They say so many years have passed but I have been trying since it happened but have been effectively blocked on every effort by responding to every question I have asked with silence or blatant lack of effort. A lawyer suggested doing a probate because his estate never went through probate and there are mineral rights left. Actually there are several acres of mineral rights remaining so I will probate the estate but I wonder what will happen to the properties that were sold. Because I know they eventually knew of the fraud as the buyers bought the property at dirt cheap prices then immediately flipped it because all of the properties have passed through at least 2 or three people. If anyone looked at the fraudulent deed the first thing they would have seen would be the signature name was misspelled…that is the most obvious but there are other indicators that its fraud so it is beyond me how so many land transactions could have been performed on that flimsy foundation. One of the properties listed was land my Granddad sold in the early 1960’s to the US government that is now a part of a lake. Anyone who knew my grandfather would know right off that he would never have put that land on a deed. I really want my Granddad’s farm back because of sentimental memories but at this point I am thinking should I just give up because I don’t know what else to do. Luckily she never sold the mineral rights so is that all that I can expect to recoup? Sorry for the long post!

Please don’t give up! I cannot tell you how much time and effort I have spent on learning about just that subject. We have a problem with that at present but I ran into a nice landman that was kind enough so show me how to look up property! People can sometimes surprise you! Either with their greed or their kindness! Anything you recover is more than you have now so don’t be disheartened! I just found out about all of the dealing within the last six months and have just now figured out who’s who in line! I’ve joined every site available. If I can help you I’d be happy to pass on the kindness shown to me. Martha Barnes is also a valuable asset to anyone! If she doesn’t have an an right away, she’ll find one! Look on threads for the busiest counties in the State! I do and enjoy learning every time I open this site up! D

Thank you so much for post! Just that little shot of encouragement I needed to keep going!

Like I said, you’re still ahead of the game. Some call the eventual outcome Karma, I believe in a higher power!

I think it would be wise to probate the estate so that you can establish claim to what is legally yours. Once that is done, you may be able to go back and see what you can recover. Might be a long shot, but at least moving forward, you will officially own the ones that can be claimed.

Thank you for the post. Wise advice!

me too…I also believe in God and Karma or “you reap what you sow” :grinning:

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