Interim Order of the Commission Findings and Order

I got four “Interim Order of the Commission Findings and Order”. They have different cause numbers and different order numbers. They look identical except one. They state if applicant (Camino) is unable to drill through the fault that exists in both Section 10 and 3…(and then they give a percentages that Section 10 and Section 3 will receive.) Three of the Interim Orders give more percentage to Section 10, one of the Interim Orders give more to Section 3, otherwise they appear to all be the same. Does this different one cover just one well? Also, what happens if they do drill through the fault? That is not mentioned at all and I assume that is the original plan; to drill through the fault.

Thanks for any insight and help in understanding.

When you start a new topic, please give the complete section, township and range in the body of the text. If you have OCC cases, please give the case numbers. Otherwise, we cannot really know where your mineral interest lies and cannot help you as quickly.

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Sorry about that. The two sections being drilled together are 3 and 10. My interest is 10 5N 5W, Grady County. The wells Camino plans to drill are located in Section 3 and Section 10. The first (1) Cause 2023-001737/Multiunit Horizontal Well, (Interim Order of the Commission Findings and Order), Order number 735494. My question relates to 6.5 in in my document which mentions the fault and gives the percentages allocated to the two sections if they cannot successfully drill through the fault. In this case Section 10 gets the lesser percentage. (2) Cause 2023-001740/Multiunit Horizontal Well (Interim Order number 735497), 6.5 in the document, gives the greater percentage to Section 10. (3) Cause 2023-001743, Multiunit Horizontal Well, Order number 735499, 6.5 gives the greater percentage to Section 10. (4) Cause 2023-001745, Multiunit Horizontal Well/Order number 735501, 6.5 gives the greater percentage to Section 10. Before the percentages are listed each cause states “if Applicant is unable to successfully drill through the existing faults in said Section 3 and 10.” So, these are the percentages if they are unable to drill through the fault. I thought the plan was to drill through the fault if possible, and there are no percentages given “if” they drill through the fault. I hope I have given you the information you need to help me understand this. If you need anything else please let me know. As always you help is greatly appreciated.

After the wells are drilled, there will be a determination of what zone and how many feet of wellbore are in each section. Time will tell what the outcome is. Be patient because nobody knows what is down “there”. Geologists use a lot of erasers on the end of their pencils.

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