Inherited Mineral Interests

I inherited shares of 2 leases in Scurry County TX from a great-aunt several years ago, and have already sold them.

Yesterday I received a lease offer for a property in Lea County NM that (according to the letter) I had also inherited, although I was unaware of it. Lea doesn't appear to have online records I can search. The property wasn't included in any of the probate paperwork, but my great-uncle passed 20 years earlier and it's possible that my aunt was unaware of all of his activity.

This makes me wonder if there are other properties that he may have owned that I (and the other heirs) are unaware of. Is there any good way to search property records state-wide to determine this? Or do you really have to tackle it county-by-county?

Any suggestions on how to go about this?

You pretty well need to go County by County. Online records vary as to time period covered. If your uncle did own in other Counties, and you and the heirs aren't too hard to determine, and find, as two companies already have, you can be sure that someone will find you.

By the way, a good landman could cover quite a few counties in a day or two.

Yes, try to search records. If you don't have luck there, we have some "super-duper" landmen here on the Forum. I would trust them with my "legal description" LOL.

Good luck,
