Inherited Interest in Minerals and Surface

I inherited several years ago a .25638889 interest in mineral/surface of a 35.5 acre tract in Parker County, Tn. A few in my family have already sold their interest to a company leasing the property, however I am not totally comfortable with selling without having some degree of what the fair market value is. Is there any site that contains an estimate for mineral/surface interests or any information available as to where I should go to get informaiton about getting additional offers for mineral/surface interests? Thank you for allowing me to post on this forum.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Some folks get an appraised value of their minerals if their executor thinks to have one done. Real estate for the surface is easier to figure out using an online tax or deed site. Minerals are a bit harder. There are several auction houses that can list your minerals. They will charge a fee. Or you can find an appraiser. There are several listed above in the Directories tab. If the minerals are producing, then the Parker County appraiser/assessor may be a source of info.

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