Information/Suggestions for East Texas, Houston County, Crockett, please!

Good Morning!

My mother-in-law has been seeing oil/natural gas trucks driving all over the county roads around our family survey and said the hotels are full of employees from them. Someone also just posted a permit to drill about 20 minutes north of us. We are just wondering if anyone knows who the major players are out that way so that we can start researching them. We want to be able to make a semi-quick, but informed, decision if something comes our way again. Thank you!


Houston County is fairly active at this time. 36 approved permits have been issued for new drill, and recompletions from January 1, 2014 thru May 30, 2014. Click on this link to view the 4 pages of approved permits and under Permitted Operator will tell you who the major players/operators in Houston County are at this time.|1003=06|1004=225|1005=beginsWith|1008=beginsWith|1012=beginsWith|1015=beginsWith|1024=01%2F01%2F2014|1025=05%2F30%2F2014&rrcActionMan=H4sIAAAAAAAAAM2Qy07DMBBFv6Yso_Er6mYWEaJrHhVdVF24iZVayktjR4Dkj2ccQIKUNWJjzxxfj69vEgAokwCB4oaorurox-GxpuYIJ1z4izvbaQqy4OMiRBtdEV-LOWxUtQVWSNzI3d2h4lLlsiHfdX5o7x31PoaH2dHbx9iiGVmksXfxMjb78dZ2HQOD5OJMw358cpbqC6MtwpWbY1hOK2pDMVmy_bPtZreY5IehzLtGKU0uDJ5d64dw8DHP44E_eiFX_UovNYLgvyyLBKEzMwiGWwWfbOVQ_F1e4SunEifbOvqWx6_hidNxrctmUSeJApJCVSaNCpJhVDK6vv_fwn8HBOorK7kCAAA

Clint Liles

Thank you, Clint!

Do you happen to know if they are starting new leases at this time or if they are only drilling on the existing ones that they hold?


I have no idea one way or the other. Possibly one of the Houston County members will chime in and answer your question. It's good that you're trying to stay abreast of what's happening in your County.

Clint Liles

Jessica O said:

Thank you, Clint!

Do you happen to know if they are starting new leases at this time or if they are only drilling on the existing ones that they hold?

I did post there, hoping someone bites. It hasn’t been a very active group! Thank you so much for your help! Have a nice day!


Do you happen to know the Abstract # of the minerals acreage in question. I can pull that up on the GIS Map and see if there is any activity in the area as far as drilling.

Clint Liles

Jessica O said:

I did post there, hoping someone bites. It hasn't been a very active group! Thank you so much for your help! Have a nice day!

I do! It is the J.C. Teague Survey, A-83. Someone looked at it for me recently and said everything was still 10-20 minutes away from us. That was about a month ago!

Clint Liles said:


Do you happen to know the Abstract # of the minerals acreage in question. I can pull that up on the GIS Map and see if there is any activity in the area as far as drilling.

Clint Liles

Jessica O said:

I did post there, hoping someone bites. It hasn't been a very active group! Thank you so much for your help! Have a nice day!