Information Please

We have 86.66 acres in Section 10 Block 58, PSL in Reeves County and are entertaining offers. We wondered if anyone knows anything about leases in that area?

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Sorry we are not trying to solicit. We would like to know if there is anything happening in that area and what the going rate per acre for leasing is. We also would love information on what Atlantic Resouces is doing in the area. Thanks for the advice.


We also have acreage in Section 10 Block 58 that we just leased to Atlantic Resouirces. We also leased some in Section 5 Block 58 to Atlantic Resources. All at 2500 per acre.


Thx. Good info.

Phyllis, Did you see my posting about Block 58 Section 15-16 PSL. We are adjacent to you on the south.


You might contact Wise & Susong and see if Atlantic is interested. Thats who we leased ours thru.


Garland, we are leased with Jetta Permian as of last Friday. Money in bank.

We have been contacted by three companies who are making offers. Our land man from another venture did research and suggested we wait a bit. Is it kosher to tell me what you leased for?

When we had two offers we decided to turn it over to our attorney, Wade Caldwell in San Antonio He is a member of this forum and his family has mineral interests in Reeves County and knows the area well. He ended up negotiating with 3 companies for us and put a great addendum in the State Relinguishment Act Lease . We signed and received a lease for $4000.00, 3 yr, 25% royalty with Jetta Permian LP. He is great to work with and highly recommend him and his firm. He also negotiated a pipeline ROW easement, and formed a family LP and LLC.

Thanks, we will consider it.