Identifying mineral rights/ lease agreements

We own about 10 mineral rights shares in Shelby County Texas - I see RRC #’s , AB #’s and information on surveys and companies operating . We have agreed to terms on some rights leases but we have difficulty in matching the legal stuff up with the ownership stuff . It also appears that we have several that we own that are being operated ( and have been for years ) in tracts that we have no legal agreements . Where do we go from here???

To start, do you have the abstract number/survey name where your acreage is located?

Yes we do have the AB number and survey info

@Rsmith1, it might not be a problem since there might be valid reasons for what you are seeing. You might be a NPRI owner with no executive rights, which means someone else negotiates and holds the actual lease. Or, you might be prorated for part of a larger unit, pool or lease that covers more area than you own.
Of course, you might just be missing paperwork. Have you checked the county records? (Knowing that searching under “Smith” might be a lot of records to sift through)

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