How to verify ownership

I’m researching for my Uncle who received two letters (offers for mineral interests) from BCF Partners regarding an regarding Section 30, Township 3 North, Range 65 West, Weld County, CO. I’ve searched the records of Weld County and cannot find the Estate recorded anywhere. How do I know if BCF is merely sending my Uncle a letter without verifying that my Uncle did indeed inherit this parcel from an deceased relative?

Ask the agent who sent the letter why they think he owns the minerals and who he received them from since you have no record. BCF is a big buyer who sends out bulk mailings so they may or may not have a good title search done yet. Check the activity around his holdings as Weld County may have pending activity there that would encourage him to retain any holdings and clear up any title.

You can look up the area on the CO website. COGCC GISOnline

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