How to find location and directions to a well

I was wondering this may be a silly question but if they do drill three horizontal wells will they complete all three before it goes on the Okla.Tax site you were referring to that you watch? Or will they post individually. Vickey

It depends. Each well will be listed individually by name on the OK well records site with permit, spud, completion and found by their surface location. The OK tax site will list by name when they become active because the state wants their taxes! If the same company is drilling both wells, they usually finish both and turn them on pretty close in time together. It saves a lot of money to do the frac jobs on both at the same time.


Thank you for that information. I think if the first one goes well there will be 2 more drilled a total of 3 time will tell, also they seem to be drilling In an odd direction according to picture on the exhibit that was filed. Vickey

I noticed on the site it shows 3505125116 STONECLOUD #0605 14-13-2WXH and

3505125115 STONECLOUD #0605 14-13-1WXH then reads 1 of 3 , 2 of 3 does this mean they have done 2 so far and still like one more total3? Or is this just what they plan to do but have just done one so far? Thank you. Vickey

Form 1000 - Permit Form 1001A- Spud

So two permits so far and Stonecloud 2WXH has spud.