How to determine if a well is producing

Thanks to Gary-Thomas-Vaughn for the tip he gave me back in March 2020 that turned me onto possible producing wells on my mineral rights. I am working with an attorney now & continue to do research on my own. You all have been a big help in me learning this very complicated world…and, I still don’t get it but I’m getting smarter along the way.

My question today before my consult with my attorney is: where do I go to actually find out if a well is currently or was producing in the past? I’ve found well logs, permits, all sorts of stuff, but cannot find if the well ever produced.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Go to the GIS viewer page.

Up at the top will be a drop down menu for county. Select the appropriate county. Then click on the magnifying glass up at the top. Choose “Surveys” on the scroll down option.

A screen will pop up that allows you to search the legal description. Click query and click on the correct legal description. On the left hand side will be a legend that shows you what all of the symbols mean.

Finally go back up to the top search bar, click on the little circle “i” and choose “Well.” Then you can click on the different symbols to see the history.

If it was a dry hole = never produced. Plugged wells = produced at some point in time but have since been closed and no chance of producing again Shut-in= the company has closed it off until they can get it producing again

Let me know if you have additional questions and I can try and help guide you through it further!


I concur with the advice from warmheartsland. This is the way I would do it. Gary Thomas Vaughn.

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