How to check global production and demand?

I’ve been trying to figure out if oil production and demand is actually rising or dropping. I’m also trying to determine if oil production from one month is higher or lower than another month. I can’t seem to find a solid source for this. I’ve googled. I came across the IEA reports (Oil Market Report - June 2020 – Analysis - IEA, Oil Market Report - July 2020 – Analysis - IEA)…

But I can’t seem to be able to determine, for example - was oil demand & production in May 2020 higher or lower than oil demand & production in April 2020?

I’d like to be able to check this every month. For example right now I’d love to know if May’s global production and demand was higher or lower than April’s. Next month I’ll want to know if June’s production is higher than May’s…etc.

Is there any place to find out this information?

Thank you

Basically I’m looking for something like this chart (on right hand side), but separated by months, not years. Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Art Berman often examines the macro picture

There are multiple opinions “out there”. EIA, Hart Energy publications, Enverus, McKenzie, National Petroleum Council, Art Berman, the big financial banks that watch the energy sector, etc. Probably no one exclusive group that would be “right”. All depends upon what data is used and whether you are talking about oil, natural gas, LNG, corrections for seasonality, etc. You can Google “images for oil supply and demand graph 2020”, but take them with a grain of salt. If you open the full report from EIA, it has some excellent graphs from which you can extrapolate the months in between.

OK, I found a place that answers my questions above with monthly reports. I’ll just put it here for my and others’ future reference.

Search for “American Petroleum Institute’s [MONTH YEAR] Monthly Statistical Report (MSR)” (ie: American Petroleum Institute’s April 2020 Monthly Statistical Report (MSR))

Here’s the one I found for April 2020:

Here’s the one I found for May 2020

And it looks like this is the updated page always: API | API's Monthly Statistical Report

For domestic production, but that’s what I really wanted anyways.

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NICE! Thanks for sharing.

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