How Long Should a Transfer of Ownership Take?

I have received an inheritance and am working with six different OG Companies to make ownership transfers. I have necessary documents filed in six counties and submitted to each company. All transfers have gone smoothly EXCEPT Chesapeake and Ward. It has been since August 2016 that I started the process and as of today all I get is the "run-a-round" when I call. I was calling once/month, then once/week, and now EVERY DAY. Am I being unrealistic?

Are they still paying on the former owners interest? Have the companies acknowledged receipt of your documents? I haven’t tried to transfer property in Louisiana so I don’t know what might be the hang up. Are you dealing with the land group? I had to do this for about 300 properties in Texas and 10 in Oklahoma. Most all Counties were within 2weeks after I had sent them the will, letters, & court authorizations. Then each operator I dealt with wanted about the same info and when provided, took about one revenue cycle to issue new division orders and then pay started to new owners. In most cases, they didn’t stop payment under the former owners name and I really didn’t lose time with the cash flow. Remember in the bigger companies, youre dealing with the land people to prove you’re the interest owner, and they normally get the revenue/accounting people to get it paid. Chesapeake has had management changes and I never found them easy to deal with, even when oil was still 100/bbl. Is the property No experience with Ward. Are those lagging interests in the same County/Parrish? Maybe that’s a clue? Some Regionals I deal with are swamped and it takes them a long time to get division orders out. Parsley even sent me provisional DOs on wells they dug in 2015 until they got the titles straight. I wish it was an easy answer, but you’re dealing with fewer people in these companies and they might simply be overwhelmed.


After experiencing the same thing, we emailed everyone whom had been contacted that failed to respond or transfer ownership and cc’d our attorney’s and their information. Within days and for some a few hours, our dilemmas were solved and interests were paid up to date within the month. I applaud your efforts for being dilligent. It is easy to become discouraged. I do not recommended that this course of action be taken without consulting a lawyer. As said above, getting in touch with the land department or division order management will expedite the process and be due to make digital copies of all conveyances with multiple backups

For a large company like Chesapeake, phone calls to royalty owner relations is often not useful as it is training ground for newer, less knowledgeable employees. You are not talking with a responsible division order analyst or landman. Emails are referred to the correct department and you are more likely to get an informed response. Also, be sure to send the email every few days, always by forwarding the last email so there is a long chain. It allows you to prove how many times you have contacted the company. Note the list of documents that you have sent and the number of times you have called. In phone conversations, aleads ask for the full name of person you talk with so you can add that to the email. Ask why the transfer has not been made, what is reason for delay and when it will be done. Once you have this written record of multiple attempts, send a certified letter of complaint to CEO, President and head of land department With Copy of emails. They do not like getting these kinds of letters. Even so, some companies will deliberately delay just to hang on to your money. So when you are paid, make sure all missing months are included and ask if any funds have been left in suspense.

Yes, they are still paying to the estate of the deceased family member so that money will not be seen by me. I appreciate you informative reply and I will continue to be diligent.

You are exactly correct. Every time I called I spoke with someone different even after asking directly for the person I had spoken to last. The last time I called, the person I spoke with did contact the legal department and she also mentioned that she could see how many times I had called. When I email, I get an instant automated reply back saying my email was received but have NEVER gotten a return email. So frustrating. I appreciate the information.

My email today will include a copy to my attorney. I have spoken to him about it but I was trying to get this done myself. Thank you for your informative reply.

If your minerals are included in assets that Chesapeake recently sold, it could take even longer to get the transfer accomplished. CHK Barnett Shale assets were sold to Total and the deeds for that deal were filed in November. However, Chesapeake has still not told us when Total will assume responsibility for the owner relations / division orders / royalties, etc. There are significant delays in CHK Barnett Shale ownership transfers currently, from my observation at least. Squeaky wheels get greased though.

Hi, I agree with the other comments posted and will add the suggestion to request that monies payable to the previous owner be placed in suspense until the change of ownership is completed. in terms of how long it takes to transfer ownership, I have had it vary greatly. With some operators taking only a month or two to others where it has been 3 months since I notified them and they are just now finally getting ready to issue amended division orders. As “Kitchen” mentions, if your interest is part of an asset that they are selling it will take longer. I have an interest in a well that Chesapeake sold to Four Point Energy and I think it took 6 months before I heard anything… Be patient but stay vigilant like you are doing.


Matt Sands

I haven't made a will or trust yet for my 2 daughters( I know,very bad) Any advise on how to make transfers easier for them? What all would they need ? Death certificate and will? I'm in St Louis, Missouri and there aren't very many lawyers that deal with this very often.Thanks for any tips.