How can I find out if our property is in a pooling unit

We own acreage with a couple of wells in Block 2, Sections 20 & 21, H&GN Survey in Reeves County. I’ve been told that we are in a 600+ ac unit and I would like to find out if there are other producing wells in the unit. It maybe called the North Mitre Unit and I should know more but I don’t. Any help is appreciated,


Randy Eiland

Below is the current Railroad Commission map of the area you are interested in. Sections 20 & 21 are outlined in red.

It looks like about 2016 Resolute drilled a bunch of wells extending through those two sections. At least two wells in what Resolute called the South Mitre 2 Unit are still reporting production, but it looks like most of the others are shut-in, or possibly were never completed.

The online research section of RRC’s website has details on each of those wells. Here’s a link to the map section which is a good place to start.

That page includes a link to a video that shows how to navigate their map

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