Hi folks, Thanks for allowing me to join you. I currently own mineral rights at 35N, 46E, 26:N2. I signed a 5 year lease in 2012, and I have received my signing bonus. I'm just curious whether or not there's any activity happening or likely to happen on my lease. From what I see, there is activity all around me, but not on my lease. Thanks for your input
Hi Jim. Apache drilled 4 or 5 wells and then pulled out. No one knows much of anything.
Hmmm... That doesn't sound encouraging. From what I read last night from other group members, most everybody seems to be in a "wait and see" mode. I guess I'm in good company.
I think it’s ecouraging and I think there is oil there. There is just not an economical means for them to get it to market. That coupled with the fact that they are hot and heavy in the their andarko play. Maybe they are waiting for keystone approval. Maybe they are waiting for this disaster known as the Obama regime to be gone. In some cases they have 8 to 9 years on their leases. These kinds of plays can take years to develop. The bakken to the east didn’t happen overnight and was almost a bust.
I guess that what I'm saying is that I turn 70 in a few weeks. I wasn't aware that I owned the mineral rights on my mother's family homestead until 2 years ago when Shale tracked me down. I was hoping to realize some benefit from my lease while I'm still able to enjoy it. If only I knew where to get my crystal ball fixed :)
Next week on February 26, Apache puts on an investors' day... Here's link:
I bet they provide some info about their Williston basin (Daniels County) holdings as part of that. (That would seem to me to be very good news.)
Actually, it'll be "informational" even if they say nothing about the Daniels County stuff. (Er, that will be pretty bad news IMHO.)
Note: I am pretty sure that it was at the last investors' day (in June 2012?) that Apache discussed in pretty explicit detail what they wanted to do with their Daniels County stuff: production curves, well platform designs, etc. Jim? You can probably find the PowerPoint slide deck for that investors' day by googling...
Good information Stephen. Thanks.
Hi Stephen, so are you going to call and ask about Daniels County on investors day?
Everytime I listen to one of the analyst calls, I always think, "Why isn't someone asking about Daniels County!"
You mean someone besides me :)
Well me too Jim! If you haven’t noticed I’m an eternal optimist. 
If anyone here is interested in Apache's Daniels County plans, you can check out the investors day resources at the Apache website: http://investor.apachecorp.com/events.cfm
BTW, the short version of the story: Apache appears to have no imminent plans for Daniels County--rather they're emphasizing their Anadarko and Permian basin opportunities.
If there's any silver lining here, it's that they haven't said they're abandoning their Williston basin stuff...
Note: The 10-K for 2013 is worth reading too if you're hardcore... you can compare what they say about Williston basis (their Daniels county stuff) to what they said in 2012 10-K