Henson 1-14H well

Well# 349114 Well name, Henson 1-14H 023-005N-005W Grady county, Oklahoma The county clerk has no information for me. Help please.

Henson 1-14H API 35-051-24151. Operator is Red Rocks oil & Gas Operating. Surface location is in section 23-5N-5W. The OCC well records site will have the paperwork associated with it. Test Type in 2305N05W in the location box.

The OK Tax site will usually have the last 12 months of production. However, I am not finding it. See if Red Rocks actually completed it.

Operated by Red Rocks Operating. Completed 12/13/2017. IP’d 139 BOPD & 1196 MMCFPD. Currently making 10-20 BOPD & 60mmcfpd. Woodford formation. Just another well that won’t make enough money to pay for the cost to drill.

I get a royalty check on this well. But it’s not recorded at the Grady county courthouse.

It will not be recorded at the courthouse. The courthouse only records title information, not payment information. Payments are between the operator and the royalty owners and are private.

Thank you for helping me.