Help with Mineral Deed

I have a Henderson County Mineral Deed that my Grandmother transferred to her children in 1976.

How can I find out if I have anything of value?

If you can post the legal description that's shown in the deed or at least give the survey name and abstract number (A- ) to identify the location someone will probably be able to help you check the maps that would show any production or drilling activity in that area.

Maybe this will help. It is all I have and everyone is elderly and has no idea about any of this. I just want to see if this is still active or what.

2017-deed1.pdf (169 KB)


Not sure what you mean about wanting to "see if this is still active". Unless a sale or some other transfer of this mineral interest took place after the deed that you posted then the people shown as the grantees in the deed, or their heirs, would still hold title to that interest.

On your original question about whether you have anything of value there, based on what's shown in the records at the Railroad Commission (who regulate oil and gas activity in Texas), it doesn't look like there has been any recent activity in that survey. This link should take you to a page where you can pull up a map of your area with all the previous wells and drilling permits marked on it. At the lower right side of that first page click Survey/Abstract and on the screen that opens select Henderson County and put 60 in the space for Abstract number then click search. That should pull up a map showing the survey where your mineral interest is located. It shows 3 dry holes were drilled there in the 1980's or earlier, and that the nearest current production is 2 or 3 miles to the south were several deep gas wells were completed in the Smackover formation during the 1970's and some of them are still producing.

You will notice on the RRC's records that Abstract number 60 is called the J.M. Bertran Survey instead of the Beltran Survey like it was called in your deed, but I don't think that would make any difference on your ability to lease or sell your mineral interest.

If you'll go to the groups section of this website and find the group for Henderson County Texas you'll see where several others have posted questions similar to yours. Post your information there maybe someone else will be able to give you some more help on this.

Stefani Smith Hilley said:

Maybe this will help. It is all I have and everyone is elderly and has no idea about any of this. I just want to see if this is still active or what.