Help with Disposal Well information

We hold the 75% Mineral Rights on W2 of 17, 158N, 97W in Williams County with a lease that expires in January 2012.

While reviewing the daily activity reports today, read the following: PERMITTED FOR DISPOSAL: #90187 - Hess Corporation, GO-Bergstrom D-158-97-17, SWNE 17-158N-97W, Williams CO., 2410' FNL and 1860' FEL, SALT WATER DISPOSAL, Wildcat, 'Tight Hole', 2281' Ground, API #33-105-90187.

This leads me to several questions: 1. Where exactly is SWNE? or Where can I learn to read a Township map? 2. Can Hess hold/create a pooling unit with this well that would hold our current lease intact? 3. Will disposal well negatively impact our ability to negotiate a new lease?