Help! Where do I start?

Okay here it goes…

My husband’s grandmother and grandfather sold their land in Aransas County, TX but obtained the mineral rights. They both have long since passed. My mother in law does not have any paper work regarding this. In 2002 she received a letter about a mineral rights lease but never heard anything back. My husband would like to look into this further, but we have idea where to even start, or what documents we should be looking for. I did a public title search for anything with either of their names and it’ll cost around 100 dollars to get all of the documents. I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated!!

Always start with, its free. has helped me plenty of times. It's not totally free ... but inexpensive if you want to view or download the document of choice. It's easy to navigate. Open an account and put some $ in the "kitty." Then select Aransas County and type in Grantor/Grantee's name. After the name, type an * . This will show all documents filed under that name. Be sure and click on Properties (Show all) column.

Good luck,


Nancy and Pat, - wonderful, wonderful suggestion !!!!!!!!!

I will use it a lot !!

Thank you!!

Bob Malone

You should be looking for a Deed for when your husband's grandparents sold their land. By the way, do you happen to know about what year that was? Also, you need to mention when the grandparents died, whether or not the grandparents had Wills that were probated in Court, whether or not the surviving one of them ever re-married before passing away, if the surviving one of them did so was he or she legally married at the time of passing away, and whether or not either one of them had children other than your mother-in-law. The goal would be to determine exactly WHO the current owners are of the minerals that your husband's grandparents once owned, and to file a document in the Aransas County Clerk's Office to put the public (and especially any producers) on notice as to who the current owners are so that they can find you quickly when looking to lease the minerals.