Harrison County, TX-- New Activity in Berry or McCarty Surveys

I am curious of anyone (perhaps Clint_Liles?) may know of any new/promising drilling activity East Texas, In Harrison County-- specifically on the Berry or McCarty Surveys (that are being worked by Breitburn Energy)?

Good Morning Crispr…after checking approved permits for Harrison County for the past year I find no approved permits or ‘new’ activity for Breitburn Energy. I do know Breitburn has some activity in the Chapell Hill area just East of Tyler.


Clint: Thanks for your help; I did go to that link you provided, and perhaps I am looking at the data wrong-- I paged through 12 pages of drilling permits there (for Harrison County), and I did not see Breitburn listed even once–nor did I see the Chapell Hill name in the surveys (nor, McCarty or Berry)…

I am trying to figure out what might be going on in that area-- as I received some purchase offers for our NMA in the area that don’t seem to make a lot of economic sense-- higher than one would expect…

I suspect someone is thinking about drilling some Haynesville gas wells in the area of A-460 and 75(McCarty and Berry Surveys)…numerous good Haynesville wells to the South of those Surveys


Clint: Thanks again… Do you have a price in mind that makes sense (per/NMA) for acreage on those surveys?

Sorry…can’t help you there

Ok-- I understand… I thought that there was a “rule of thumb”-- with bids being typically some multiple of monthly (or yearly) royalty income… but the bids I’ve seen recently seem to blow that whole notion away…

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