Grady County, OK 24 25 36 10N 8W

Martha, could you provide an update on drilling, pooling and forced pooling offers for horizontal wells in these sections. Thanks. Bill

Hi Bill!

You can easily look them up on the free websites from the OCC.
The pooling offers are found on the OCC OAP website. I usually search the surrounding eight contiguous sections as well to give a better feel for activity as the current sections might be HBP and not have a pooling.
Link: Once you have the OCC cases, you can follow the spacing, horizontal plans, location exception, poolings and final splits through time.

The actual well data forms are filed in the OCC well records site. I use the exhibit maps from the OCC cases to find the surface locations as they may be in a contiguous section. (Hint- in this case, the Wright wells have a surface location in 25.)

After the wells have been drilled, the active dates and production can be found at the OTC tax site. Test. You can search by well name or location. Most of the wells seem to be posted there by bottom hole location. If I can’t find them, then I work up the hole, section by section until I find it.

The completion reports run about four months behind on the OCC site. The “active” date usually shows up a bit earlier on the OTC site, but production reports may lag about four-five months.

Given that we are in the midst of the COVID/SA/Russia situation, wells that were spud earlier in the year may have a hold on them for completion until prices come up again.

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