Grady County density tests 9N8W

Trying to find out about density tests for the above legal in Grady County and Caddo County 9N9W. Where would I find this out? Wondering if they were good.

Which sections are you interested in? Between those two townships, there are 72 of them.

Sorry I forgot to add sections - 1-12-13-36 Grady County and in Caddo County and in Caddo County is 11-9-9


1-9N-8W, 12-9N-8W TPR drilled the Shepperd 1H-12-01-36 in 2017. No new wells since then.

13-9N-8W Marathon drilled the Sprowles 1-13H in 2012. No new wells since then

36-9N-8W- no new wells

Caddo 11-9N-9W No new wells.

Thank you for your response. Are density reports filed at OCC?

Yes, they are called Increased Density cases if they are for more wells in a spacing after the original well. You can look up cases by section-township-range on the OCC. They just got the search link fixed. Use the CD case type to narrow down the search range.

There have been no Increased Density cases in Township 9N-8W or in 9N-9W in the last 999 days.

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