Glasscock County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

This is a division order and by signing it you are not changing any of the terms in the base lease. Your .317 may be net acres but isn't diluted by the gross acres or royalty burdens or outstanding NPRI. This decimal is what you get paid on. So on $1,000,000.00 worth of oil sold you get $12.05.

The following is a sponsored (paid) promotional notice:

If you own minerals in Texas or New Mexico, consider attending the NARO – Texas convention in San Antonio July 18-20, 2018. They have a great agenda, good speakers, and the cost is reasonable. This year also includes a special session for New Mexico mineral owners. The current agenda draft is attached, and a link to their signup and information page is

Attachment: 2018-04-30%20-%20NARO-TX%20Convention%20Agenda%20%28Hyatt%29%20invite.pdf