Giving up Surface Rights

Can anyone tell me what is a general rule of thumb for a mineral rights owner waiving surface rights in Texas? I have been offered a fairly small sum of money for waiving surface rights for 50 years. I am not going to be doing any type of exploration for my mineral rights now or in the foreseeable future. The area I’m in is considered poor for mineral rights owners but I don’t want to give my rights away. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Before totally waiving your rights, find out why someone else wants them and what you might be missing as far as information. Possible surface uses such as solar-would they pay rent? Is lithium mining a possibility-would the surface owner get the mining income? Is Carbon Sequestration and Storage coming-would surface owner get the rental income?


We just had the same scenario, they wanted us to sign on over 450 acres of surface rights when we owned 260 acres of mineral rights for 20k we told them to go to Hell! Solar panel deal.

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I agree with doing nothing!

If it’s for a solar farm there making way to much to not compensate fairly.

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