Getting offers on Grady County

Thank you, Martha. So far everything has the same number. All I see for location is subsurface locations. One exhibit (B) shows a Black Mesa infill.

Is it difficult to drill on a fault line?

It depends upon the size and character of the fault and the zone around it. Also the angle at which one approaches that zone. The drilling mud weight may need to be adjusted.

A hearing was held today at OCC in OKC for Exception Under OAC 165:10-2-28(c). The results are shown as: Record Open Merits Recommended. I take it they granted the exception? Are separate hearings held for “Multiunit Horizontal Well” and “Increased Density” of which I have paperwork? Thanks!

Yes. Each cause of action has a separate hearing. A separate Order will be issued in each cause. And then the wells will be drilled.

Thanks Todd. I looked under OCC dockets for the results. From my paperwork I see there are three different reliefs being sought. They all have the same number and same date. Will they all be heard the same day? Will the results of each be listed separately on the same page?

Maybe! I say that because there can be protests or other things that come up that could push the hearing dates back. Only time will tell.

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