Getting letters about horizontal drilling 7-18N-13W

township 7 13N range 18 I have received two letter one already granted and one going to court in a month about horizontal drilling. Should I contact a lawyer? I have no idea what any of this means.

Perhaps your minerals location is in section 7-18N-13 W ? I know that they are drilling in that immediate area.

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yes, I get the numbers mixed up and don’t have the paper work in front of me. I don’t have it leased it and have had two companies reach out and two that want to drill. I have no idea what this means and if I should hire a lawyer to look at the court papers.

Do you know when they started to drill?

If you are talking about 7-18N-13W, the court cases are pending and they have not started to drill. No permit yet. Are you currently getting royalties from that section? There are two active wells. If you are, then you are held by those former leases.

Martha, Is it Derby Exploration that is trying to drill in 7-18-13 ?Also, I remember some BIA issues in 8-18-13.

no, we have two offers to lease but haven’t accepted anything.

currently get zero and have no lease in place.

It is Derby on my curt papers.

Thank you, we will have Derby as an operator soon, 1 mile North and 2 miles+ East of you. They seem like real good people, and very knowledgeable.