Getting Documents from the Court


After two and a half years into my mineral rights lease I am now getting documents from the court in Oklahoma City concerning my mineral rights.

One of the documents has to do with SPACING

Under section 7 of the ORDER OF THE COMMISSION it has the following article:

7a: Previous Orders Vacated, Amended or Reformed: Order No. 65421, as consolidated with Order No. 66170, is amended so as to delete said Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 20 West of the IM, Dewey County, Oklahoma, from the purview and boundaries of the Tonkawa Sand common source of supply and to vacate the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit previously formed by such Order for such common source of supply in such land.

7b: Order No. 77086 is interpreted and clarified as to determine and confirm that such Order effectively spaced the Tonkawa and Douglas separate common sources of supply in said Section 3, that such Order effectively formed 640-acre drilling and spacing units in such section for each separate common sources of supply and that such spacing as formed by such order in said Section 3 for such separate common sources of supply remains in full and effect.

7c: The following lands are underlain by the common source of supply designated and therefore the following drilling and spacing unit is hereby extended as follows:

Common Source of Supply Classification and Depth Unit Size Order Extended

Shawnee GAS/6400 640-acre 281847

underlying the following described land, to wit:

Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 20 West of the IM, Dewey County, Oklahoma

7d: Form and Shape of Unit: The 640-acre unit established hereby shall consist of a governmental section

7e: Location of Unit Well: The unit well for said 640-acre unit shall be located no closer that 1320 feet from the unit boundary.

7f: No more than one well shall hereafter be produced from said common source of supply named above on the drilling and spacing unit established hereby and the permitted well on said drilling and spacing unit established hereby shall be drilled only at the location thereon as prescribed above, unless the Commission, prior to the drilling of said well, shall have authorized a well location exception thereof in accordance with Okla. Stat. tit. 53, Section 87.1.

I know this is all common jargon but to me it's gibber gabber. Basically, what is it saying and am I reading it correctly about only having one well in this entire 640-acre section? That's kind of hard to believe that only one well will exist in such a large area