Garvin County Production decline curve?

I am new to this forum I have decline curve is high & royalty checks are smaller after 6 months. How long does decline last? Hoping to see drilling in 32 34 1N 1W. Anyone have info Thanks for help!

Yes, that is generally true and is quite normal. The best production is in the first full year and then declines for the life of the well starting in the first month. Steep for the first few years and then less so later on. (See my other answer for your other posting.) If your name and address are listed properly in the county and associated with the mineral description, then you will be notified by the OCC if there is any planned drilling. There has been quite a bit of leasing in 32, 33, 34 in 2018-2019 by Continental Resources, so hopefully you will get a well soon. I do not see any current cases at the OCC.

Thank you for your detailed answer It is obvious I am new to this The well is the WILEY 27 28 You said steady decline I guess I was hoping to hear the decline slows down or tapers off. Thanks again for your help

It is best if you do not think of your royalty checks as steady income. There any number of reasons why the cash flow from a well can stop or decline.

The best way to have peace of mind is to not plan on receiving any more royalties when you receive a check and it clears the bankā€¦