Gaedeke Energy - Drilling plans Section 7, 09 N, 05W, Grady County

Gaedeke Energy received a permit to drill in the subject section in June of 2016, yet to date no activity. Does anyone know how to find out what their intentions are. Have had several opportunities to sell mineral rights in section 7, but have been holding out since it appeared a well would be drilled in the near future, but am beginning to wonder.

Don’t know which State you’re in, but in Texas, permits do expire. I’d suggest calling the company and asking. It’s not uncommon for them to file for a well and wait to see what the think O&G prices might do. Some in Texas have drilled at the end of a lease and then shut in the well for the allowable period. If you know active land men in the area, they might tell you what the “rumors” are.

I agree with above. I assume Grady co., Oklahoma---- calling company might work!! I can also add that from Grady all the way to thru Dewey, courthouse will be active!!!