Finding records for Wagoner County OK

New to mineral rights and having a very interesting journey tracking down information on mineral rights that we have inherited. Thanks so much to this forum where I learned about the OK County Records website and the OTC website. I have discovered that Wagoner County does not “participate” or provide public records through the OK County Records site. Can anyone guide me on how to find records for Wagoner County? I’m looking for info on specific sites and operators, same stuff that is so wonderful to find (and easy once you know what you are looking at!) on the aforementioned websites. Thank you.

Here is a link to Wagoner County Records

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Great, thank you! This is so helpful.

You can also search for production and operators here. Oklahoma Tax Commission

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Sorry, had to put this on the back burner for a bit but I’m back at it now. Thank you for the link!

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