Find property on a map

How can I find on a map the township, range and section

of different properties?? What website is good?? Thank you!

For simple plats of a given township, any County Appraisal or Tax Office should have a set of maps.

For oil and gas purposes, most state regulatory agencies will have some sort of mapping available.

Then, there are mapping companies that cover various parts of the country for oil and gas purposes, such as P2 Solutions in San Antonio, Texas.

Then there are various websites. offers fairly comprehensive coverage for many states - both mapping and well information.

Hope this helps -


If you are looking in North Dakota, the nd oil and gas commission has a map server. Just go to their website at:

and look on the left and click on the GIS Map Server button. A new window will pop up and if you click on the "Find Section" button on the left and then enter the section you are looking for, it will pop up. It is a pretty good interactive map but it may take some playing around with it to get the hang of it.

Thank you very much, this site you referenced works well.

Thank you Charles for the the information. I am looking in North Dakota, found the State website very useful.

Charles Emery Tooke III said:

For simple plats of a given township, any County Appraisal or Tax Office should have a set of maps.

For oil and gas purposes, most state regulatory agencies will have some sort of mapping available.

Then, there are mapping companies that cover various parts of the country for oil and gas purposes, such as P2 Solutions in San Antonio, Texas.

Then there are various websites. offers fairly comprehensive coverage for many states - both mapping and well information.

Hope this helps -
