Falcon Holding / Murphy District

I just recently joined this form to see what I could learn about drilling in Richie County. I live in CA and relatives in WV recently told me of the oil and gas action. Have land in Murphy District in Richie county. Leased the oil and Gas rights to Falcon Holding in 2006. I hear nothing from them. Anyone else with Falcon and or in Murphy District with any info to share?

I am on an email list of the WV Office of Oil and Gas that tells when a new drilling permit is issued. The overwhelming majority of these is in Clay district which is almost all in the wet gas area. I have some acreage leased in Murphy district but most of that dates back to my great grandfather. I think that when the price of natural gas goes up more there will be activity in the rest of the county.

usually if nothing happens in five years the deal is over. Check with the County Clerk is the lease was filed or still active.

Alan, do you receive any royalty payments from this property?