EOG Oil/Gas Prices & Decline Curve

Here are the last few months of oil and natural gas prices for my couple EOG units in Gonzales County...

June: Oil - $88.53 per bbls, Gas - $2.48 per mcf

July: Oil - $93.69, Gas - $2.80

Aug: Oil - $101.06, Gas - $2.88

Year over year (August 2011 to August 2012) oil decline:

Ullman #1: 11251 bbls (8/2011) to 2948 bbls (8/2012) - 74% decline

Ullman #3: 9056 to 2701 - 70% decline

Ullman #4: 2583 to 1187 - 54% decline

Sweet #1: 1886 to 866 - 54% decline

Sweet #2: 3912 to 2005 - 49% decline

Sweet #3: 7467 to 2889 - 61% decline

Sweet #4: 2614 to 1084 - 58% decline


Ullman #1 and #3: August 2011 was 2nd full month of production

Ullman #4: August 2011 was 8th full month of production

Sweet #1, #2, and #3: August 2011 was 6th full month of production

Sweet #4: August 2011 was 5th full month of production

Let me know if you have any questions...Bill