Eddy County, NM

Hello, checking to see if anyone has information on activity in Eddy Co., NM. Partucularly in Section 25, Township 22 South, Range 26 East.

Please provide detail on what it is you are looking for. This type question it to vague for anyone to be meaningfully useful to. you.

Hey July

I don’t think anything is going on in Sec 25. There are a decent number of pretty good Mewbourne etc wells south of you. Paloma is running a rig right now drilling Sec 19/20 of 22s27e.

Existing wells shown below, and the nearest rig. May not be meaningfully useful.

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Thank you NMoilboy!!! I knew you would know exactly what I was inquiring about. Yes, meaningfully useful😁

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You can go to the NMOCD website to check for all activities, Permits, proposed wells or completion and production numbers. In the wells search page at the bottom select section, township, range and county.

@NMoilboy I’ve been trying to track down leases, deeds, acreage for S27 and 34, T22S, R27E for a very long time with no luck. Apparently, I may have inherited this land and do not know where to start to find answers. Thank you in advance for your help!

I’m not much help on the ownership side. I’m more numbers than rules and documents. You pretty much need to go to Eddy county records if you want to get leases and deeds. Pretty sure some version of that is online. I have some paid access but you’d have to tell me some last names and details and this may not be the place for that.

Oftentimes the easiest way to find out that you own something (and how much you own) is to have somebody make you an offer. So if you are getting offers from someone, ask them to share your ownership details.

I don’t know the context of “you may have inherited this land”, but whatever triggered that may define the path that makes it easiest to figure out what you inherited. Why do you think you inherited it?

There are Devon and Mewbourne wells producing in those sections. Is anybody getting paid by those people? Maybe call those companies owner hotline/contact and see if they were paying or have your predecessor in title as an owner of the wells in those sections. Or if things are in suspense. Etc.

Sorry this is just spitballin outloud.

If you are a Duke person, thanks for Riley Leonard, he was fun.

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Who did you inherit the land and or minerals from.? If you know the name research the name on the BLM site. Call the tax auditor for the information on who is paying the taxes on this property. As for the deeds and leases you need to go to the Carlsbad courthouse and look these up. You can also look up activity on these sites in the NMOCD well search site. Good Luck