Easement questions

I have been approached by a company to put an easement on my land Im on Sectiom 10 Block 55, Township 5 in Reeves County. My land there is pretty small a little less than an acre, what is this? is this standard, I have the land leased to another company, Last year the company that leased it said it was to be drilled on this year? is this a part of that. I think they just want to run something over the property. not sure.

They want to pay me $500 to do this, I don’t mind that just don’t want it to interfere with the people I leased my land to.

Easements can be very ugly. You will want an attorney to review the provisions and the consideration. It may be worth much more than $500 if they have to go around you.

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You need to ask for details in writing (email is fine) as to the type and purpose of the easement and information about the company to whom the easement would be granted. The ROW agent is likely to work for an independent 3rd party and not directly for the company wanting the easement. Is it a temporary ROW such as for a water line for a few weeks? Or a permanent ROW for a pipeline or electric line? How much area is involved - Your entire acre or a narrow strip? Is the strip on an edge or across the middle. Ask for a diagram. Lots of questions. Do not agree to anything (including compensation) without full details in writing. Nothing anyone tells your verbally is necessarily accurate. Then you can better assess the situation. You do not want to be underpaid and then be stuck with useless land. Once you have specific information, then you can ask for ideas.


You don’t want to sell them the sole right to cross your land, in addition to what others have advised as they may start granting/selling the right to cross your land or denying the crossing of your land to others.

Great subject and info. It would be hard to drill on an acre but maybe

The easement wont interfere with your leased minerals. What kind of easement is it?

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