Easement- number of lines per agreement

Hi there, I have been contacted by a landman about a small company wanting to put pipelines on my property. Having done a lot of research I feel confident about my demands in the agreement, however I have read folks say to only allow 1 line per easement. The company wants to put down 2 12" lines at the same time now and maybe 2 lines in 5 years. So would I need a separate agreement for each line or is it ok to allow 2 lines in 1 agreement as long as it specifies such? And then a new agreement in 5 years if it happens.

thanks much allen

Welcome to the group. Sounds like the company does not have the power of eminent domain from your post.

“No” Is a great word to use. If they don’t have eminent domain rights they have to negotiate or go around you.

You may be able to negotiate terms or perhaps an overriding royalty interest. Visit a Texas attorney, Sadly I’m not licensed there.

thank ya kindly for your reply. Is it common to put 2 lines in at one time under one agreement?

Sorry, more specifically if they want to bury 2 lines at one time should I have an agreement for each line? Or one agreement that specifies only 2 lines?

You can do one agreement for all lines, but you can specify what is granted to go in the ground (i.e. 1 12" produced water line, 1 12" oil line, etc…) and you can limit the maximum number of lines that can go in the ditch.

thank you very much for the info.

No problem. Let me know if you have any additional questions.