E.G Meyers survey

We got a call about 20 acres that my mom inherited and did not know about it. Were just wondering if any one knows anything about the drilling or about a company called LH resources. The property is just north of 2136 which is almost between lakeview lake and crooked creek. They lied to me once about who would be buying the lease. He told me that he couldn’t because of a conflict of interest clause. Do these ppl already have a buyer when they start leasing this property. We have about 20 acres and he said he already had 80% of his plot leased. He finally came out and told a land man buddy of mine who I had call him that EOG was going to drill it. Does anyone know anything or can help us I would greatly appreciate it.

E.G Meyers survey A48 is the property description on the lease. And we haven’t signed it yet either.