E/2 section 18, Block 31,T2N Howard County

One producing well. Can I get advise on what the going NMA is being sold for this day.


Hi Gary, you will likely need to provide more details with your request (i.e. where is your producing well located - the full name of the section of land is necessary).

Apologize, I now see that its listed in your subject line :wink:

Hi Gary,

I received an offer a month ago in this same block and township for $6000/nma. Hope this helps.

$6k per nma seems really low to me, but we’re in the middle of a pandemic and an oil bust so maybe its not such a bad offer. Unless you need cash, I would hold off selling until oil prices get back above $50 per barrel.

I thought that too initially, but I followed up with others and it seems like $6-$8k/ac is the range out there right now.