Drilling Activity

What companies are currently drilling in Grayson County?


Click on the link below to view the approved permits for Grayson County Texas from 10/01/2013 through 05/08/2014. On each permit is the Permitted Operator/drilling company name. This will give you an idea who is active in Grayson County.

18 approved permits(2 pages)


Clint Liles

Thanks. I have received information that several companies not listed are obtaining leases in central and south Grayson County around Howe and Van Alstyne on both sides of Hwy 75. Bonus offered at $175/NMA, 3/16 royalty, 3 year with 2 year option same as bonus.


Is there any production or activity in the area of your minerals? If so I wouldn't accept the 1st offer to lease. What is your Abstract #? Lets pull up the GIS Map and see what's in the area of your minerals.

Clint Liles