Does a current mineral rights owner need to re-register?

My daughter has been taking care of my sister and received a letter stating that my sister needs to “register” her mineral rights. She has not moved but because she is disabled has not been opening her mail so probably has missed getting notifications. However, once you are a mineral rights owner, I would think that you would not have to do this unless you moved. Am I correct?

If it’s a producing well then they have your information so no I get them all the time .

If that letter came from a “registry”, you can ignore it because it came from a for-profit group. The only legitimate place to register is with the clerk of records/deeds at the county courthouse in each county where you own minerals. That is where the landmen and title people go to search the records. Be sure and do it if you move.

Andrea- if you are talking about a letter from a scam outfit called Mineral Owners Registry, DO NOT send them anything. They are a sham and do nothing for mineral owners.

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