Division orders

I received my division order from Rimrock today for section 20 and 29 4 N 4 W Marsha

Congratulations! Checks should follow…Check to make sure that the DO has the correct fractional share. Also check to see if they slipped in any additional language no provided in the lease. Some companies may attempt to include deduction clauses for transportation, compression, etc. Title §52-570.11 part:

A division order is an instrument for the purpose of directing the distribution of proceeds from the sale of oil, gas, casinghead gas or other related hydrocarbons which warrants in writing the division of interest and the name, address and tax identification number of each interest owner with a provision requiring notice of change of ownership. A division order is executed to enable the first purchaser of the production or holder of proceeds to make remittance of proceeds directly to the owners legally entitled thereto and does not relieve the lessee of any liabilities or obligations under the oil and gas lease. Terms of a division order which conflict with the terms of any oil and gas lease are invalid, unless previously agreed to by the affected parties. This subsection shall only apply to division orders executed on or after July 1, 1989.

There are some that take the position that the mineral owner is only required to provide name, address, and tax identification information.
If confused get help.

What is the name of the Well RimRock is drilling on Section 20 4N 4W? Do you have any other information on what they are doing in Section 20 4N 4W or any other operator for that matter.

Thank you, David

The well is called Campolina 1-29-20USH http://imaging.occeweb.com/imaging/OGWellRecords.aspx

Search in section 29 as that is the surface location. It has been spud.

M_Barnes, Thank you. Do you know how long it takes for OCCEWEB to show production, if any.

Are you aware of any other producing wells for Section 20 4N 4W? I only found the “Purdy Springer A NE (Bridwell”, well# ZZ-1, but that was it.

The Clydesdale well is probably what mbowman got a DO on. It’s the Woodford well in the section that’s been producing for a while. Nice well. The Campolina is the Sycamore well that was recently completed.

Is the The Campolina/Sycamore well in section 29 4N 4W

Campolina well is in Sections 20 & 29-4N-4W.

Do you know is Rimrock drilled Campolina Well?

The OK Tax site is usually about four months behind on production. Rimrock drilled Campolina and you will find it in section 20 on the tax site. Well is listed as active as on 10/1/18, so probably won’t see any actual numbers until Feb 2019 (or so).

We live in section 28 4n 4w in Garvin Co. and can see two drilling rigs a few miles to our NW. Don’t know exactly what sections they are but thought someone might want to know.

Marathon multinational horizontal well sec. 30&32, TN 4 n R 4 w. Just got the pooling order.