Decimal Interest Calculation

How would I calculate the decimal interest in this scenario?

160.25 acres in area to be developed

I don't own any of the surface

I have a .2871 undivided mineral interest

I am sure it is a very small amount, but I don't know how to figure it.


.2871 X 160.25 = 46.007775 mineral acres

Dear Susan,

You net mineral acres are a function of tract size x your mineral interest. Saying that you have 162 acres in area to be developed does not tell how many acres are in pool.

Net mineral acres/unit size x royalty rate = share of production (generally)

23% is not a small number. If you are thinking small, could it be appx 1/4 of 1%??

I'm not sure - it is written like this:

I have a .2871 undivided mineral interest

I'm not sure I know what this means - I don't think it is the royalty.

BTW - I just tried to purchase the audit clause from your website and couldn't get the link to open when I hit the Buy Now button.

Dear Ms. Nolen,

When you click on "Buy Now" a window comes up saying open in a new window. That takes you directly to PayPal.


Wes Luke

Let's not forget the horrific attack on our country almost exactly 10 years ago as I type this. The 3,000 men, women and children who died that day did nothing but show up where they were supposed to be.