Dawson County Lease June 2020?

What is a good lease rate for Dawson County currently? Our mineral rights are in LOVING CSL, Section 271, Metes and Bound: 191.13 ACS, more or less being all of Labor 24, League 271, Loving County School Lands, Dawson County, TX.

We have been offered $400 per acre and 22 per cent royalty. Last couple of leases were $400 and 20 percent royalty. I thought I remembered reading on this forum that there is a lot going on in Dawson right now and that the going rate is 25%.

Any insights from you folks who know this business?

I would ask for at least a 1/4th royalty with 500 mineral acre bonus and continuous drilling clause and pugh clauses. That will protect your property. For term I would look for a 3 year with 2 year option to extend.

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