Any one have any current lease offers ? Trying to see what current values might be- have offers for Sec 14.
Debbie what is your Township/Range? I have been negotiating leases all month in Grady. I might be able to help you. For the month of June, the county of Grady was going - Low $950/ac, medium $2200/ac and as high as $6600/ac. The current royalty rates have been 18.75% (3/16) up to 25% (1/4). If you give me your exact location I can see who is possibly leasing in that area as well as the going bonus. No promises but I might be able to help you.
I would be very interested to hear what you are seeing in Section 21-6N-6W. Most interested in lease amounts for 1/4. Thank you very much.
6N, 6W
Any lease offer info for Sec 21 5N 7W? Our family has approx 230 NMAs in the Sec. Currently under lease for the higher formations to Gulf and lower to Vitruvian. Vitruvian wants to top lease at $1,500. Currernt leases expire in July of 17, no production at any depths
Debbie I can help you if you’d like to email me
I was offered 2000 per nma in sec 3 T7N,R5W
Have been approached for a lease of an undivided 4 net acre interest in Section 23, T9N, R7W. What could we realistically expect to lease for in terms of Royalty and Bonus? Would appreciate any information/suggestions.
I'm asking for $2,200 for 230 NMA in 5N and haven't met resistance, yet. We'll see and report.
Hal and WD, we have a few acres in Sec 20, 5N, 7W with a lease expiring next month, we have an offer for $1500 for 3/16 as a top lease.
Sounds Familiar. Would guess Vitruvian Oil
WD, we are very interested in leasing in your area. Please contact me @
Hal G, we would like the opportunity to help you. Please contact me at 580.736.3800 or by email at