Culberson County, TX oil & Gas Question

I was wondering if anyone was around or near my area, Section 16, BLK 114, LOT 78 PSL. Have you been offered any mineral or land leasing contracts from any company or even Cimarex Energy. Does anyone know if owners have the mineral rights in this particular section or is it all state owned?

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From what I have read, you are intiteled to 50% and the state keeps 50%. Some one correct me if I am completely wrong.

GLO (General Land Office) GIS Viewer will link you to the scanned files. Per the file, there is a 2010 lease from State of Texas to Dwyer for entire section which is still active as part of the Armstrong-State Unit. This Section is not RAL (Relinquishment Act Land) and so the surface owner does not lease on behalf of the State and receive any portion of the royalties.

Do you have land in Culberson?

Yes, we do have land in Culbertson County.