Continental Resources

Why is it so difficult to get the division orders office at Continal Resources to return my call or give me info as to what I need to get mothers account into my name? I’ve left many messages since Dedcember 15,2015. The finally called me back on December 31 an said they d fax and also mail all the info I would need, guess what I got,?, nothing faxed or mailed to me!!! So I guess I’m back to square one. Can anyone help me??

Interesting reading:

The person you talked to is probably out there looking for a job.

I can help you. Please call to discuss.

Debra R. Crumbie, CPL

Crumbie Energy Group, LLC

1751 River Run, Suite 200

Fort Worth, TX 76107

817-681-5443 (cell)

Oil-and-gas companies usually respond well to lawyer letters. If you don't have a lawyer friend who would do it for free, it probably won't cost more than $150, I'm guessing. Most probably, they need a Certified Copy of Probate or an Affidavit of Heirship to clear things up.

I went through the same thing and I did end up hiring an attorney that specializes in mineral rights, royalties, etc.

This is a simple process when you have all of the facts.

If she had a will and it was probated the have the will recorded in the county/parish where the minerals are located. Once recorded send a copy to the operator with addresses for all of the owners.

If now will the have someone who knew your mother fill out a affidavit of heirship. Have that recorded and then send the copy to the operator with addresses.

If one of these have already been done send out a certified letter with a demand for payment. If she had a good lease you may have favorable clauses and get things done faster.

Thanks Bryan

Once I get it recorded in that city clerk office will they forward it to continental , or to me, or. Do I need to instruct the county clerk to forward a. Copy… What do need to do next. Will they send my money once the affidavit is recorded?

Are you a lawyer?

Send the certified copy of the PROBATED WILL to the recorders office. Mail it via a US MAIL CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT AKA Green card. Enclose a PREPAID OVERNIGHT ENVELOPE addressed to you to speed up the process. Call and confirm with the clerk who is working on your transfer. (You will have a name based on the return receipt you where sent from the postal service.) Start a file to keep all info in 1 place related to OIL and Correspondence.

Joey, once that is done and you are holding the paperwork you will be amazed how fast you will get a call back. There are a slew of regulations that become effective once your name is on the paperwork and your Mothers is not. Sorry for your loss.


I can guide you through some steps you need to be sure you have taken in order to get the response you are looking for from Continental, but you may still be frustrated with slow communication from them. Others have correctly stated that layoffs due to the downturn in the oil & gas industry may have resulted in personnel getting shuffled around, and they may find themselves overwhelmed with their new workload. However, if you have your ducks in a row and have the proper documentation, you will get a response much faster. Feel free to email or call me. I'm a 37-year oil & gas landman and will be happy to help you free of charge. Gary Beard - 972-955-9255 Petroleum Landman School, LLC and Institute of Energy Development, Inc.

I called Continental three years ago and was told by the receptionist/first person answering the phone that it appeared that I was correct about my claim to previous years of production on a well. My call was then transferred to a woman, to whom I had to leave a message. Additional phone calls to Continental were not answered or returned. I sent them copies of all the court documentation proving ownership. I contacted the attorney who had previously completed all the legal work and initially, he said he knew someone at Continental and would try giving them a call. No results. Later, I was told by the attorney that I would probably have to sue in order to be paid what was owed by Continental. Not knowing the exact amount owed to me by Continental and having had to previously pay the attorney a rather large amount to prove ownership for numerous family members, I have been hesitant to proceed with a lawsuit. I would appreciate any suggestions on how next to proceed. It was even previously suggested that I gather together others in the same boat…to file a claim with me. Obviously, easier said than done.


I would write a letter detailing your problem, and your efforts over a 3 year period, to get Continental to pay you what you are owed, and send it to Continental's top lawyer:

Eric S. Eissenstat
Sr. Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Risk Officer and Secretary
Continental Resources
P.O. Box 269000
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
Be polite, tell him you don't know where else to turn, and that you would rather not sue the company.
You might be pleasantly surprised by a prompt response - ff he is a responsible person and if he cares. He can get it handled. If he does not, at least you will know that you took it to the top.

Get a lawyer and your mothers death certificate. Also any reference describing the minerals your mother had. The lawyer can draw up a warranty deed and file at the courthouse. You can then send that to Continental and they will make the change.

By the way, Joey, you may not need to contact a lawyer for the time being. It depends on what has taken place with your mother's estate. Let me know if she had a will and, if so, was it admitted to probate? What county? If not, you will need to go a different route, possibly what is called an intestate administration. I can let you know exactly what you need to do to resolve your issues. Gary M. Beard, CPL

Ken - Thank you for the information! It’s certainly worth a try.

Thanks for responding. Mr Paul, Sister and I need all tha help we can get!!!

Ur great thanks!!!

You need to start with the county recorder's office where the minerals are located. Once your paperwork is recorded and you get a certified copy, you can attach to the certificate of heirship if the details are not already spelled out in your mother's will, and forward copies to Continental Resources. You do not need an attorney to do this, but if you have further opposition it might be faster that way. I had all the copies they required back to my great grandfather's will, showing heirship down to me through the family, will by will, and they accepted it without further problems.

Thanks Ms Linda. I appreciate ur help!