Commingling Application Matador

HI, new to this whole process, trying to help my dad who owns property in Eddy County which is being drilled on by Matador. He received a packet that includes an application to add addtional wells and to authorized pool and lease commingling. I do not know if this is something he should protest (he has less than 20 days left to do so) or if it would be a beneficial thing for him. Any suggestions, advice, and ideas of who to go to for education in this area would be much appreciated! Thanks! Theresa B

Commingling is just putting products from different sources in the same tank. The order shouldn’t be granted if the products are of different quality. The different sources are supposed to be metered. I don’t consider the meters trustworthy but nobody can look at a meter and tell if it will over or under report. It might favor you, it might favor the other party. Flip a coin.

I don’t see how you could do more than a pro forma protest because I doubt they gave you enough information to effectively protest. I wouldn’t panic, it shouldn’t effect you greatly either way.

I never trust oil companies because I know them and they taught me well.

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I very much appreciate your frank reply! So I take it to mean that it was more of a legal requirement that they provide an opportunity to protest than an actual opening to do so, and that my protest or lack thereof would have little to no little impact. Since this is this likely case, it is a relief to know that it probably wouldn’t make a great deal of difference as so my father’s interests either way! Thanks so much for the benefit of your experience. Theresa

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