Commingle Permit Application-Glasscock Co. TX

We just received a notification of Citation O&G applying to commingle. I hadn’t seen one of these before. I’ve seen unitizations and production sharing agreements. I assume this is about the same thing They didn’t send anything for me to sign/agree/disagree. Any comments on this arrangement? Glasscock E/2 Blk33 T2S Sect 24 Gilbreath and adjoining Overton to be commingled Thanks

Commingling means that they will perforate one or more reservoir levels and commingle the product streams in the same well bore. Regulatory reporting information only. You would probably not have to do anything.

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Thank you. Their plat shows “flowlines” connecting the wells.

If Gilbreath and Overton are well names, then commingling can also mean joining different flow lines together. Sort of like freeway traffic onramps entering the main highway.

Was Citation serving you notice per RRC rules so that you can object at a hearing? I have no idea how involved objecting might be, whether it would benefit you to do so, or if it is possible to get a copy of the statewide rule 10 exception data sheet.

No mention of objecting, just the standard “If you have any questions…” but they did give a person’s name which some don’t do. Notification per Rule 26 Thanks.

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