Columbus Field Unit

Does anyone have any information on Rusk Energy Operating LLC taking over the Columbus Field Unit, J. Cummins Survey, A-13 in Colorado county, Texas?

It appears Energy Transfer took over the Columbus Field Units from Daylight Petroleum for a short period at the end of 2023. Then the Columbus Field Units went to Rusk Energy.

Any information is appreciated.

The RRC is showing Rusk Energy Operating LLC took over as operation of Columbus (Consolidated) from Daylight Petroleum LLC effective 6/1/23. The production reports have shown Rusk as the operator since that date.

The P-4 form Rusk Energy filed with RRC on 9/23/23 documenting the change of operator shows Daylight continued as the gas gatherer, with Copano Field Service/Up Gulf Coast LLC as the gas purchaser. It also shows Energy Transfer Crude Marketing LLC took over as the condensate gatherer from Sunoco Partners, but nothing indicates Energy Transfer was ever the lease operator.

I highly suspect you’re right about this… I’ve never known Energy Transfer to be a producing Operator. They are a mid stream operation.

Thank you for your response and the information.

Since Rusk Energy took over, I have only received only 1 check. Before Rusk, I was receiving a monthly check from Daylight Petroleum. I have tried to contact the Rusk Energy office, but all I get is an answering machine. I have left messages, however, no one returns my call. Also, they have no website.

I found Robert Kervin is the Executive Vice President, Geologist and Co-Founder. Derek Engelstad is Executive Vice President and Partner. Richard Kaim is Controller and Tax Manager. Their office headquarters is located at 7600 West Tidwell Road Suite 800, Houston, Texas.

Is there a way to find out if there has been any production?

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do from here?

Any information is appreciated.

The RRC production report is on two pages and you’ll need to click Next to see the second page. At this point February, 2024 is the latest month that’s been reported there.

If the link to the two Comptroller’s site don’t show the monthly numbers you’ll need to hit the Search button at the bottom left side of the page to pull them up.


Below are links showing production and sales from the Columbus Consolidated Lease from the point Rusk took over as operator in June, 2023. The first link should take you to the Railroad Commission’s production report page. The next two are the crude and natural gas sales Rusk reported to the State Comptroller’s office for tax purposes.

If you can’t get response from Rusk by phone you could try sending them a letter by certified mail with return receipt requested. That address and phone number you have matches the organization information RRC is showing for Rusk Energy. The only additional RRC shows is that the president of the company is Preston L. Marshall. If you aren’t familiar with the Marshall’s a google search of his name, or of his grandfather, J. Howard Marshall II, should give you some information.


To get into those two CPA links I sent you it looks like on the pages that open you’ll need to fill in 024040 in the “Lease Number” blank, and in the space that says Beg Period put 2306 (for June, 2023) and for End Period put 2403 (for March, 2024, which is last month that’s been reported).

Let me know if you have a problem pulling them up and I’ll post them for you.

Hi Dusty:

Thank you for all the good information. This gives me a great starting point!


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