Cimarex Energy

Go to the Cimarex website and listen to their webcast. They say they will be drilling Bone Spring and Wolfcamp wells for decades in Culberson County.

Ah yes, but when will they head further south? We are due west of Pecos, about ten miles into Culberson county with two contiguous tracts and have never leased.

Maybe one day…

Hi Stephen, This is a fairly new play in Culberson and I don’t think they know the boundaries yet. Shoot me an email at and I’ll send you a map of permits and latest leasing.

Thanks! I’m at

Stephen - Talk to Concho/COG. they have that well i told you about in 58T1 sec 28. Also Cimarex. they seem very interested in the larger area of NE Culberson.

Stephen Long said:

Ah yes, but when will they head further south? We are due west of Pecos, about ten miles into Culberson county with two contiguous tracts and have never leased.

Maybe one day....

Hello....We have been approached a few weeks ago by Cimarex for $500 per ac. plus 1/4 for a 3/2 year lease, for our N/2 Sec. 20 Blk. 60, which I feel is low.

We also have n?2 of Sec., 34 Blk. 61 and nothing happening on that currently.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Thank you

William - shoot for the moon and see what sticks. try 3k per acre. when they stop choking and gagging keep the continued silence going to see what they come back with. i promise it'll be a lot better than 500.

William are you in the T&P survey Blk 59 T1?

What Twnshp please William?