Chain purposes

Want to know about Patent, Homestead and Receipt document purposes? what its role and how chain continues from patent? and how interest start coveying from patent to deeds? Will be highly obliged for your response.

starting back in old English days, the legal proposition is that the land belonged to the government. When the government seeks to deed it to private citizens whether back in the 1800s or even today, the document to do so is the patent.

In the United States, all claims of land ownership can be traced back to a land patent, first-title deed, or similar document regarding land originally owned by France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Kingdom of Hawaii, Russia, or Native Americans. From their the patentee, typically, has the right to deed the property to private parties or keep it in the family. It is privately owned. In some states, the person who purchased the property or may have farmed the land did so and received a Homestead certificate. Typically, a patent was issued thereafter.


You mean in some states title conveying is start from homestead? I will be highly thankful if you recommended me some books or articles which help to understand these chain?

I don’t know of a book. But there are numerous articles/treatises on this. I would google origin of title in US. Then add, origin of title/patent, or origin of title in (state), homestead certificate.

All land grants in the US start from patent, which was a grant from the sovereign state to a person. You can look up patents online, depending on where the land is. From there, you search the deed records in the county where the land is located to build out your chain of title. Start from present day and work backwards in time.


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